聯(lián)合國將選舉人權(quán)理事會新成員 (UN to Elect New Members of Human Rights Panel)
Human rights groups are raising concerns as the United Nations General Assembly prepares to elect 14 new member states of the U.N. Human Rights Council. Several of the rights groups are urging the assembly to reject bids from such nations as Egypt and Belarus, for what they say is their long record of human rights violations.
U.N. Watch and Freedom House have denounced the two countries, as well as Angola and Qatar, as "authoritarian regimes with negative U.N. voting records" on human rights issues.
The Human Rights Council was created last year to replace the discredited Human Rights Commission, which had included notorious human rights abusers among its members. Membership on the 47-seat council is broken down among five of the world's regions -- Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin American and Caribbean, and the Western European and Other States.